Emma Krebs
BSc (Bristol)
Miss Emma Krebs is Deputy Head Academic and Head of Science. She teaches Science to boys in Years 6 to 8/8S. Miss Krebs also chairs the School Council, running meetings for boys representing forms across the school, and is an editor of the school magazine The Newswire.
Miss Krebs read for her BSc at the University of Bristol before completing a PGCE at the University of Oxford Department of Education. Her first experience of teaching was working on marine biology with children in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. She has acted as a research assistant at the University of Oxford and at the University of California, Davis, in the Department of Neurobiology. Since then Miss Krebs has enjoyed experiencing a number of different pastoral and curriculum-based roles, firstly when she was Head of Biology at Didcot Girls’ School and then at Headington School, where she taught for eleven years.
Outside teaching Miss Krebs enjoys music, cooking and spending time with her family, including her son who attended NCS. In the school holidays she enjoys taking the opportunity to travel, particularly in the USA and Europe, looking at wildlife, culture and trying different foods.