Piers Torday Visit

Award-winning author Piers Torday visited NCS to speak to Years 5, 6 and 7
After writing an invitation to the bestselling author Piers Torday, I was thrilled to discover that MTJ had worked his magic and that a visit was imminent. Piers has written four books to date: his award-winning Last Wild trilogy and his most recent novel, There May be a Castle. Over the weeks before he came there had been a huge drive for people across the school to read his books and there was an air of excitement wherever you went. Half the school was assembled to hear his presentation and it did not disappoint!
Piers started by taking about his inspirations for writing the book and giving us some backstory on how animals have evolved and how different species are going extinct. He then gave us some tips and tricks for writing before answering any questions we had. Following that he did a mini book signing where people could go up and ask any little questions they wanted to. Finally, Piers was gifted with a New College School goody bag in thanks and the meeting was complete. Everyone really enjoyed his presentation and meeting him and we were all suitably inspired to do lots of reading and maybe even a bit of writing! TB