Bach & Haydn Concert

The thirty boys of the NCS Chamber Choir (Years 3-8) and the fifty adult voices of the NCS Choral Society joined forces with Oxford’s renowned baroque orchestra, Instruments of Time and Truth, and four professional soloists to perform a programme of baroque and classical music for Christmas. The concert began with Bach’s famous cantata Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 140) – a challenging piece for any choir, but given a brilliant and sparkling performance by the NCS voices. The orchestra then performed Joseph Haydn’s rarely-heard Symphony no.11 in E flat. After the interval, the full ensemble combined to give a really joyful and uplifting performance of Haydn’s Missa Sancti Nicolai. The whole evening was characterised by outstanding performances from the NCS community and our visiting professional musicians, directed by Tom Neal, and the audience showed their appreciation with rapturous applause and several curtain calls!