Language Partnerships

This year has been busy for our Senior and Junior Language Ambassadors.
The Senior Ambassadors — Josh, Dan, Will, Gary, Finn, Tolly and Isaac — delivered lessons in French, Chinese and Dutch to classes in Years 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 both at St Michael’s School in Marston and in-house at NCS. Their lessons covered linguistic elements (countries, animals, food) or cultural elements (Parisian sites, the history of the Netherlands). They were delivered in an enthusiastic and professional manner and were enjoyed by their audiences. The boys made a strong impression upon the teachers of our partner school. Didrik also read a Christmas book in Swedish to Year 2, who thoroughly enjoyed it and the following ‘question time’.
The Year 5 Junior Language Ambassadors shared their love of language and impressive cultural knowledge this year in pre-prep and it was lovely to see how their confidence grew in front of their young audiences. A Spanish version of The Gruffalo was ably read with superb feeling and intonation by Andres. For the first time, a Danish book was read in Year 2 as Peter rose to the challenge despite it being his first time. The feedback from teachers was delightful and clearly the younger pupils loved being read to by the older boys.