Eco-Committee, 2022-23
Michaelmas was a busy term for the eco-committee who had the eco shop up and running within the first few weeks, alongside litter picks in the playground.
We took part in Switch Off Fortnight in November and were pleased to see that our energy consumption was reduced over the two weeks that we took meter readings. We were also delighted to produce the first issue of the Eco-nomist at the end of term with some fantastic articles written by the boys.
At the start of Hilary, the role of Chair of the committee was passed to Mr Gardner. The boys showed excellent enthusiasm in the first meeting of the term. In the committee meetings, the boys were given the opportunity to share any concerns they have about anything environmental. These ranged from broken snack boxes in the playground, to a high plastic-to-volume ratio of the jam packets used in aftercare. They were also keen to suggest ideas for clubs, with one example being a lunchtime gardening club, which we aim to trial and run next year. We will have to wait and see what the new school site has in store for the eco-committee. When there are no issues left to review in the meetings, discussion often drifts
to wider topics, for example the pros and cons of hydroelectric power generation. The boys display an impressive level of understanding about global issues, with mature and balanced views at a level akin to those many years older than them.
Over the course of the year the committee has taken part in several events that aim to spread awareness, and enjoyment, of the environment. We took part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch, Walk to School Week, and regular litter-picking in the school grounds. For the first time, the pre-prep are now involved with litter-picking. The Year 2 eco-reps very much enjoy their role of cleaning the pre-prep playground. These activities cover the macro-environmental topics of biodiversity, energy and pollution, and it is hoped that this will help plant the seed for anyone who may go on to pursue further education and a career in the subject.
Next year promises to be an important year for the committee, with our new building site saving over 700 tonnes of CO2 compared to traditional modern construction, through low carbon materials, and with a ground source heat pump. Therefore, it is exciting that next year the eco-committee will welcome Mr Hanson as chair, who will take the committee to new heights!