Young Art Oxford

Young Art Oxford is an annual art exhibition for children between Reception and Year 9. This year over 3000 pieces of artwork were judged by well-known artists and professionals in Oxford.
Congratulations must go to Eddie (Year 7) for achieving the top prize for his powerful, abstract drawing and collage inspired by the figurative works of Henry Moore. Well done also to Alexander S (Year 4) for achieving ‘Highly Commended’ and to Michael K (Year 2) for achieving ‘Commended’. In total thirty of our NCS artists’ works were exhibited in The Newman Buildings on St Aldates. The prizegiving evening was a huge success and very well supported by family and friends. Eddie spoke knowledgeably and with confidence about his framed piece of work based on the theme of ‘Power’. The donations and funds raised at the exhibition contributed enormously to the Great Ormond St Hospital Charity.
Each year, as a school, we enthusiastically enter this prestigious art competition and boys creatively work on projects inspired by artists with a particular theme. Boys from across the whole school have successfully taken part in the competition for many years. It has encouraged boys to value the importance of the visual arts, think beyond the curriculum, and encouraged some boys to consider art scholarships to leading senior schools. To have the opportunity to exhibit their work in public and at such a prestigious event is inspiring. We are extremely proud of the boys and their achievements this year. With over fifty schools taking part it is exciting that NCS was represented so significantly.