Living Rainforest

Years 2 and 3 enjoyed a visit to the lush, humid jungle of the Living Rainforest
We were very excited and amazed by how they had recreated a habitat that can’t be found in the United Kingdom. There was a great variety of species; we especially liked seeing the poison dart frog, emerald tree boa and the armadillo. We learned how the animals and plants were adapted to living in their environment. One plant, the black magic, had a particularly intriguing way of repelling water into the soil around it. We really liked the black curacao because if you make a clicking noise its crest will flare. Sadly, we didn’t spot the two-toed sloth but we were startled by the birds who flashed their bright colours as they took off. We had an extremely fun day and luckily no-one was lost in the rainforest! YEAR 3