CREST Awards

After their scholarship exams, 8S had the opportunity to carry out an independent CREST award.
CREST is a nationally recognised scheme for student-led project work in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths). CREST helps students to become independent and reflective learners through enquiry-based project work. The boys chose a STEM topic that they found interesting and then carried out research and practical work to investigate their chosen area. Paddy chose to investigate bioluminescent dinoflagellates and their potential to be used as a light source; Lucas carried out practical work to design an easy to make pencil for developing countries; and Leo compared plant material that could be used to make paper and how biodegradable each one was. Joseph looked at designing a new healthy, but tasty, food spread and Isaac investigated different ways for developing countries to produce pure water from sea water. Hugh looked at different potatoes, and how cooking time affects plant cells and their starch content. And Adam investigated how effective different shaped tea bags are at making the ideal cup of tea. We were incredibly impressed with the creativity of the boys in choosing their projects and the skills they developed whilst completing their awards.