Language Ambassadors

At NCS, boys have the opportunity to participate in a range of projects with our two partner schools in Sweden and in France.
Primary languages are about fun and communication, but also learning about similarities and differences and respecting others. To that end, the partnership projects we have put in place in Pre-Prep with a French nursery school and in the Prep school with a Swedish school aim to teach our children about the world around them, creating awareness and curiosity about countries, cultures and languages other than our own.
Through the exchange of letters, drawings and other artistic and technological artifacts, we discover and foster respect for other cultures and languages, as well as continue to celebrate the wide cultural diversity throughout our own school community.
The partnership with Franska Skolan in Stockholm (a Swedish school with a French profile, with many bilingual/trilingual students) has been an excellent
way of embedding cross-curricular cultural activities and has given a sense of purpose to the boys. They were excited about producing videos and brochures for their partner school, and very generous with their time! Many skills were involved when they had to carefully think about their presentation skills, the language they chose (French/simplified English), the best technological format, etc. A lot of teamwork, reviewing and improving was involved!
We enjoyed watching video clips made by the Swedish pen friends, the interview of their Headmaster (in Swedish, but luckily subtitled in English!), and eating the Swedish biscuits they sent us! Working together with other schools across Europe is fun and a great learning experience.
The ‘Post and Learn’ project with the bilingual French nursery school Little Paddock (Saumur, Maine-et- Loire) is brand new this year in Pre-Prep and we hope it will develop in the coming years.
Finally, NCS are delighted to announce the establishment of a new international partnership with the Nalang Model Academy Trust in Nepal. Situated two hours away from Katmandu, the NMA is supported by the Yearly Trust with the aim of providing quality education to pupils from the rural region of Nalang. The NMA was founded in 2008, focusing on increasing attendance rates, and high standards of academic attainment in this small farming community.
The Yearly Trust began their work with the school in 2018, providing a new school building, refurbishments, and specialist equipment for subjects such as Science and Sport. The school’s founder, Ram Silwal, was passionate about providing equal education opportunities for girls in the community. Equality in education has been written into the fabric of the school since its establishment.
We are delighted to be developing links with John Yearly, founder of the Yearly Trust, and hope to commence international partnership events, including online cultural and curriculum exchanges from September.