Oxfordshire Book Awards

On Wednesday 13 November a small group of intrepid readers from Years 3- 6 embarked on a journey to Oxford High School.
Their mission was to take part in the Oxfordshire Book Awards 2019. They had been promised cake!
We were extremely proud that Jack and Shivi had been asked to review the winning book in the Primary Novel category (Boy Under Water by Adam Baron) They gave an accomplished recommendation of this book, on stage in front of an audience that included the Lord Mayor, a number of eminent authors and illustrators and over 300 children from other schools in the county.
After stimulating presentations from other winning authors and illustrators the short-listed books for the 2020 Book Awards were revealed. Some NCS staff and boys had been involved in reading through the long-list so we were pleased to see that books we had recommended had made it through!
We look forward to spending time reading and voting on the books for next year and another group of boys enjoying the excellent cake at the end of the OBA ceremony.