World Book Day

As is now an annual tradition, NCS boys and staff dressed up as their favourite literary characters for this year's World Book Day
Parents sometimes have mixed feelings about the exigencies of World Book Day (now in its twentieth year), but we are always most grateful for the imaginative efforts of everyone in helping to bring alive a super range of fictional and non-fictional characters in our annual parade of outfits.
World Book Day does focus us all on the enjoyment of reading and perhaps makes us more attentive to the detail of what we are reading. Parents would have been impressed, too, to see how pupils and teachers did indeed DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) at the start of assembly. It was a great moment of shared experience! Some of the best teaching moments are to be had in reading books together in class and, crucially, the excitement of discussing together pupils’ first impressions of books dear to us, but new to them. And the same will be true of Maths or Science, Languages, History, Geography or cricket or judo or star-gazing or music or... (there are so many headings we could fill in) if we share cherished interests and enthusiasms. It’s hard for genuine enthusiasm not to be infectious. And if parents want reinforcements in sharing interests with their children, the school library has books on all of the above and more. World Book Day is not just for the English Department! NRG