College Day

All NCS boys enjoyed the run of New College, and its surrounding environs, during our annual College Day
We are always fortunate on College Day to have the collaboration and encouragement of many colleagues in the College and University who arrange a very special day for us. The Warden set the tone in his address in Chapel and, using the reredos as a potent visual aid, he reminded us that often we look but don’t see: an important distinction to draw at the start of a day of many new sights and experiences.
Everyone from Reception to Year 8 gained some special insights into the life, work and treasures of the College and surrounding Oxford: there was storytelling, chapel tours, the physics of sound in the main quad, a demonstration of the organ, architectural sketching, measuring micro-climates in the College gardens, visits to neighbouring museums, a walking tour of ‘undiscovered’ Oxford, a privileged visit to Merton Upper Library, a chance to look at rare material in the College archives and, a highlight for Year 8 in their final year at School, the ascent of the Bell Tower, which affords superb views over Oxford. And, of course, there was lunch in Hall with an enviable choice of everything that NCS boys like to eat!
It was a pretty exciting day and the sun shone brilliantly on it all. We are most grateful to parents, College Fellows and Staff and NCS colleagues for their generous support. It’s hard to think that the ever-brimming intellectual curiosity of NCS pupils could be better satisfied..NRG