Watermill Theatre

In the final week of Michaelmas, Years 3 and 4 eagerly boarded a coach and headed to the Watermill Theatre in Newbury to watch Sleeping Beauty.
They were following in the footsteps of Year 5 who had visited the previous week. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the dark, yet magical, production. They laughed particularly loudly at the slightly rude sounds that were produced when Fairy Goody cast a spell. In an unusual twist, Sleeping Beauty woke up just before the interval; this provided the boys with much to discuss as they devoured their ice creams. What then was going to happen in the second half of the play? The Prince (who was actually half-ogre) and Princess then had to escape the wild forest and the evil clutches of the Ogress who was determined to gobble up their babies. There were further twists and turns and the boys were on the edge of their seats as the play came to a dramatic conclusion. This was the first trip to the theatre for some of the boys and they all benefited from the fantastic experience. JM